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Arkansas Duck Hunting Blog

What Is HIP

What Is HIP

Blog Posted By:
Mike Del Toro
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One of the most important actions a migratory bird hunter can take to improve waterfowl management in North America happens at the license counter or online when you purchase a hunting license. In addition to the hunting license, a HIP registration is required. So the question is, what is HIP and why do hunters need it?

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North Dakota Waterfowl Survey Shows Decrease in Breeding Ducks - Fair Wetland Conditions

North Dakota Waterfowl Survey Shows Decrease in Breeding Ducks - Fair Wetland Conditions

Blog Posted By:
Mike Del Toro
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The number of breeding ducks that settled in North Dakota this spring declined 15%, according to the annual spring breeding waterfowl survey conducted by the North Dakota Game and Fish Department. Even so, the 2024 estimate of 2.9 million ducks ranks as the 30th highest tally in the 77 years the survey has been conducted and sits 17% higher than the long-term average.

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2024 Conservation Success

2024 Conservation Success

Blog Posted By:
Mike Del Toro
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Every year, duck hunters hear the same news: duck numbers are down, droughts are wreaking havoc, urban sprawl is destroying wetland habitat, and on and on. While these issues are still a major problem, 2024 has presented hunters with more positive news than we’ve been accustomed to in years past.

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2024 Spring Waterfowl Habitat Report

2024 Spring Waterfowl Habitat Report

Blog Posted By:
Mike Del Toro
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The eastern Dakotas received below-average winter snowfall; warm temperatures have left most temporary wetland basins completely dry. Some permanent wetlands and reservoirs are in better condition, but the Dakotas will need significant spring precipitation to provide a good breeding habitat for waterfowl.

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New Harvest Strategy for Pintails Adopted by USFWS

New Harvest Strategy for Pintails Adopted by USFWS

Blog Posted By:
Mike Del Toro
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For the first time in nearly 30 years, duck hunters in the lower 48 states could have the chance to shoot three pintails a day as soon as the 2025-26 season—a possible outcome of an interim population and harvest strategy being put into use by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. However, it’s important to note that despite a change in the model, the daily bag limit for all future seasons still depends on the pintail populations and habitat conditions on the breeding grounds.

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Potential Regulations Changes Proposed for 2024-25 Waterfowl Season

Potential Regulations Changes Proposed for 2024-25 Waterfowl Season

Blog Posted By:
Mike Del Toro
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As states finalize waterfowl seasons and regulations for the 2024-25 season, several key changes have come into focus. One potential change strongly considered in Arkansas was reducing the four-mallard daily bag limit to include only one hen. The measure was tabled in committee, and the Arkansas Fish and Game Commission approved a regulations package for the 2024-25 season to maintain the daily bag limit of four mallards with up to two hens.

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Waterfowl Breeding Habitat Conditions - April 2024

Waterfowl Breeding Habitat Conditions - April 2024

Blog Posted By:
Mike Del Toro
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According to the most recent available data, breeding conditions for ducks ahead of a critical nesting and brood-rearing period are inconsistent. While water levels in the prairie pothole region can change rapidly and recent strides have been made, significant portions of the Canadian prairies and parklands remain drier than average.

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Best Ways to Train For Duck Season: Year-Round Pursuit!

Best Ways to Train For Duck Season: Year-Round Pursuit!

Blog Posted By:
Sam Jacobs
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Waterfowl hunting is considered a hobby by those who don’t understand our obsession. Duck season might only last 3 to 4 months, depending on where you live, but it’s a year-long pursuit for us diehards. So what are we doing the rest of the year? As you continue reading, you’ll discover my list of priorities to help keep me and my hunting buddy in shape for the upcoming waterfowl season.

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Mastering the Art of Duck Calling

Mastering the Art of Duck Calling

Blog Posted By:
Mike Del Toro
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Every avid hunter knows that mastering the art of duck calling is essential for a successful hunting experience. Whether you are a seasoned hunter looking to improve your skills or a beginner looking to learn the basics, this guide is for you. Duck calling is a skill that requires practice, patience, and a deep understanding of the natural sounds ducks make.

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Influencer Aims To Represent Diversity In Hunting

Influencer Aims To Represent Diversity In Hunting

Blog Posted By:
Mike Del Toro
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Ask a hunter what the purpose of their hunt is, and you’re bound to get a plethora of answers. But for Darryl Moore, the "why" of his hunting is the relationships he cultivates along the way. His love for duck hunting, however, didn’t come around until high school.

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